Slapstick word blurting

It’s been a long while since I last pulled off one of these. I believe it won’t be filled with anguish, like the previous ones, it’ll act as some kind of sonar.

Ever felt like putting things on paper, or maybe just materializing them in some kind of way, allows for closer contact with the idea, or feelings involved?

That’s pretty much the intention behind this post.

I’m listening to sustain++ while writing this, after having read 60+ chapters of Kaguya-Sama.

It comes to mind as a word stream <p>sometimes it shows up as colors, chills of even shock.</p> <p>This alleviating sensation of being in touch,</p> <p>touching the self, or maybe even shards of the self contained within others.</p> <p></p> <p>But the touch is constrained, vision is limited</p> <p>scents and touch are no longer allowed,</p> <p>experience limited, virtualized by sheer will</p> <p>→ unaccepting of losing contact</p> <p> → unaccepting of solitude</p> <p> → unaccepting of the self</p> <p></p> <p>Impotence, will and anger,</p> <p>Change, statics and structure,</p> <p>Contact, surfacing, and layering.</p> <p>Crack and chip away the ego.</p> <p></p> <p>Turn the experience into illusion</p> <p>Silence the subconscious, and overlap</p> <p>Make impotence fuel,</p> <p>turn anger into reward.</p> <p></p> <p>Have distance as a byproduct.</p>

my last decade

First thing, hi y’all! I still check the email that sends me an email for every new post to this blog, and whenever I see the word feluoys… it hits me with such nostalgia. I’ve had so much fun in the past with you lot. It’s a great thing to hear if you guys are well.

My last few years haven’t all been great, but I think I’m on the right track now. I believe I’m in good mind. I hope you all have been well. I’ve been well, I’d say.

2010 to 2014 were my high school years. My home life was not great, and never is, and might never be. Socially I am inept. I had very few friends. I don’t talk to anyone I was friends with in high school anymore. Most of my social interaction was online: as it always was, and still seems to be.

Summer 2014 is when I started going to college at UNC-Chapel Hill. I started in the summer as part of a program called Summer Bridge, where I got to take English and Chemistry 101 with other incoming freshman that came from rural places or were less privileged. Small classes. I had access to the professor and tutor-mentors. I connected with my peers and had fun doing stuff. One of my best summers.

Fall 2014, I started to fall through on meeting new people and staying connected. I turned to playing games again. I was too socially anxious and failed to make the most of making real friends. I struggled a lot in Chemistry 102 because I didn’t feel like I belonged in the Honors version. The instructor was nice but didn’t get me; the classmates felt so much more in tune with it. I made the first C ever in my life for that course. My other courses were fine. Chem was the first snowball.

Spring 2015. Even though I struggled with Chemistry 102, I went on to Analytical Chemistry. I hated it. I was doing awful. I never talked to anyone in the class, and didn’t speak up when my advisor asked how I was doing. I gave up going to class halfway through the course. My first F ever in my life. Yet I did great in all my other classes, A’s and B’s. In hindsight, the chemistry courses and isolating myself clearly killed me. I felt like such a failure. My home life was doing nothing to support me, my father simply wanted me to go to medical school and would accept nothing less. Verbally abusive at all times. I hid. I had no one to talk to.

On my college application, my intended major was Nursing. I changed it to Chemistry after I did well in 101 that first summer. By now, I switched to Biology because of the urging of my father and my failure in later chem courses. Hindsight says this was the worst fucking choice, I should’ve stuck to my calling which was my first intended major. Oh well.

Summer 2015 was another amazing time in my life. I spent the summer abroad in Beijing, China. Traveled a tiny bit outside of the city, but Beijing did have a lot. I learned Mandarin while enjoying and exploring this city. I met amazing people that came from all over the US. I’d love to visit again some day.

Fall 2015 I took a lot of fun courses, and didn’t fail any. However, I was still pretty damn lonely. I think I only had my boyfriend and roommate for company at the time. It wasn’t so bad, but I still struggled with talking about any problems internally or externally here. I always have had a lot of growing to do. I failed to reach out for help.

Spring 2016, my mental health was getting worse and worse. I missed classes of every course I was registered, not just a singular chemistry course. Eventually I never left the room. I stopped talking to anyone entirely. I was a living zombie.

Summer 2016 I had spent at my family home. It was awful. The thing that kept me living was the job I had as a nurse aide. I either did home health, going to care for people (usually elderly) at their homes, or was a nursing assistant at a nursing home. I worked a lot of hours. 12 hour shifts with long commutes or 2nd shift (1500 to 2300) would avoid my family. I did enjoy the work. I decided I wanted out of that home, and it motivated me to get back into shape for school. Academically, anyway…

Fall 2016 was my best academic semester. The one time I made Dean’s list. Of course, my cumulative GPA was fucked from previous mistakes, but I wasn’t letting it get to me at the time. I was technically alone still, but I had done well in classes while keeping up online friendships.

Winter 2016, I had to go back home. Again, it was awful, and I didn’t have a job to let me escape for the time. I had no friends. Losing myself in MMORPG’s and getting to know people over them was how I survived.

Spring 2017, I was still feeling the effects of home life and a bad breakup. I was hating myself. I couldn’t focus. I failed everything. I didn’t get the help I needed. Talked to no one again.

Summer 2017 I spent the summer far away from my family to heal. I lived with a boyfriend, lying to my father, saying I had an internship. I knew I wasn’t going to graduate the way my father wanted. I was running away from that during this summer before my senior year.

Fall 2017, I had two fun courses I actually attended and did well in: a digital culture course and an English-Chinese translation course. My other two courses were Biology courses I never attended. So, I had two A’s and two F’s this semester. No one knew me really.

Spring 2018 was the semester I was supposed to graduate, had I not failed so much and gotten the help I needed. I never went to a single class because all my registered courses were required for graduation with a biology degree. It was not my calling. I dropped from school the month before graduation. I think the people I had met during my good years had a good graduation.

Summer 2018 I was lost. I could definitely not live with my father, so I moved to a house he rents out in a city 2 hours away from him. I lived under him, but not with him. It lessened the stress and turmoil he had on me, but it wasn’t perfect: he still found ways to berate me. I found a job as a pediatric nurse aide. It was part-time only and paid like shit, but I enjoyed it. It gave me purpose in life again.

Through 2018, all I did was work and played games for a while. Outside of working and playing games, everything was shit. I had no agency in the house I lived in. My father would do nothing but make me feel worthless for what I was doing. My mental state was a mess. I needed out.

2019. While continuing to work, I began taking classes at a nearby community college to get myself back on track to get a nursing degree. I achieve straight A’s. I’m making moves to apply and enroll into a nursing school come Fall 2020.

By chance, destiny, luck, fate, or you-name-it, I met a wonderful older woman who would become a mother figure to me. She helped me find myself as a human being again. I wouldn’t be alive right now if we hadn’t met, I admit. She also told me about a nearby nursing school I didn’t know about previously.

Summer 2019 was a pretty big turning point. I could not bear the stresses of both my father and his shitty tenant who would make my life a living hell. My father never took my side. I had a friend visit, and the shitty housemate texted screenshots from the camera system to my father. My friend was a black guy, and my father is incredibly racist. I instantly got chewed out, being accused of doing drugs and drinking irresponsibly with no regard for what I had to say, the truth, and had the worst day of my life. I moved out at the end of that month, only texting my father that I’m moving to my own apartment. I’m currently living alone right now and am blessed to have this place. I limit contact with my family for sake of my sanity.

During Fall 2019, I finished more prerequisites and retaking of courses I failed before. I applied to the nursing school I had recently found out about this year.

In Winter 2019, the school accepted me to enroll January 2020. I had to quit my job as a nurse aide, because I was gonna go to nursing school.

Spring 2020 was my first semester of nursing school. I completed this first semester with straight A’s, even after it turned online-only halfway through the semester due to coronavirus.

Since we get summers off from class, this summer I’m currently working full-time as a nurse aide in the hospital. Thanks to Covid-19, I’m usually on the ICU now. In August, we’ll have class again. I’m set to graduate with my BSN in December 2021.

On my free days, I like swimming, reading, knitting, watching shows, or playing video games (yes, it’s still in me, of course). I still don’t have many friends. Some days are very hard because I feel so alone. I do chat with people I’ve met here and there, but nothing fulfilling (?). I don’t know what I’m looking for when it comes to relationships, honestly. I can’t speak well about it either. I’m clearly still figuring out who I am.

Anyway, this was a real trip down memory lane for myself. Life can be rough. I’ve been very, very, very down before. Ultimately, today, I feel blessed to be alive right now. I feel that I’m on the right track for myself. I can make it.

When I have a down day, I remind myself that I’m strong enough to get past it. I know it gets better. I’ll stand strong on my own. Here’s to the next decade, whatever it may bring.

Suspiros e calma na esquina a seguir.

Recortes de um entendimento nao visto trazem uma perspectiva distorcida.

Um ponto de vista inebriado diante desse sentimento

Que só pretende e só busca se fazer iluminado.

Próximo daquele a ser lido, mas…

O caminho adiante é rochoso.

O caminho adiante é irregular

Assim como o caminhar nas curvas

dessa pessoa.

Voluptuosa, vivaz

Vivida, volátil

Aquela que me traz o suspiro pelo corte de eu comigo mesmo.

E me faz ter tremores.

Rumores, e temores

Sobre nunca mais ser o mesmo.


Cores, intensidade e falta do sentir

Quando penso na possibilidade de me fechar diante daqueles que são importantes para mim até certa extensão, mesmo já sendo provada a afinidade e a proximidade que tenho destes, não consigo colocar minhas mão no que faz com que isso se passe.

Entrou em tema uma discussão sobre meus sentimentos num certo dia na terapia que me fez talvez pensar duas vezes diante de como olho para como outros sentem em comparação a minha pessoa. Minha expressividade não é pequena, de fato. Mas a distância parece ser, e as pessoas são sensíveis a essa coisa que me distancia delas, e quem sabe talvez até do jeito como me sinto em alguns casos que considero bem… banais?

Doi pensar nisso, como em coisas que são tão importantes para muitas pessoas, não reverberam nem um mínimo no meu ser.

Numa busca pelos meus gostos, pelo meu pensar, pelo meu fazer, pelo meu viver.

Me afasto mais do que imagino de todos a minha volta, ao mesmo tempo que me aproximo. E a possibilidade de um grupo se enriquece enquanto também se desfaz.

É vazio.

É muito vazio.

E nessas tentativas de me fazer sentir, de me fazer vivo, tanto fugindo/expressando a frustração vem todas essas músicas. Esse mecanismo para me tirar do estado de estase, emocional, desse estado de fuga da vida. Cansado de lidar com situações num mundo que viveu que odeia, e do qual mesmo entendendo porque está passando por ele, está cheio de frustração. Sem lugar nenhum pra descontar.

Esse, aparentemente, foi o preço da minha compreensão enquanto criança. Essa frustração que agora me corrói. Não a toa. Me parece bem justificado na verdade usar isso como força, pra tentar tirar toda a merda que aparece no nosso caminho, como se estivessemos nos esforçando pra sair daquela escola de merda.

Aquela escola e aquele trajeto.

Cara como odeio isso, e como fico possesso quando lembro disso.

Ainda bem que não sou drogado e tenho um medo fudido de usar drogas, porque caralho. Do jeito que a música me faz ver e me faz interpretar muitos dos momentos que me tiraram de toda essa lama dos treze anos de Fundação, acho que há muito tempo já teria passado por OD para ter efeitos similares.

Diante dessa perspectiva de eu colocar uma barreira involuntária, e diante também da perspectiva de eu colocar barreiras voluntárias (quando não confio o suficiente na pessoa, ou por outro qualquer motivo), como me sinto no momento que isso está em ação? Como posso reconhecer isso, e ou captar no momento em que ocorre?

Foda é que não sei se vou ter condições de explorar isso com a mesma intensidade que queria do semestre passado. Nem como aconteceu durante essa tempestade que foram esses últimos sete anos de faculdade, a vida pós graduada parece mais lenta.

Mais lenta, mas caótica.

Eu não faço nenhuma porra de ideia de como lidar com isso.

E eu quase não sei pra quem pedir ajuda.



I think it’s been almost 10 years.

I honestly have no idea if any of you guys still check this at all, or how any of you guys are doing, but if you do, what’s up? Haha.

We started this whole group blog around the time I was 15 or so. Now, I’m 25 and never would have imagined seeing myself where I am today. So I just wanna ask, how are you guys and what are you up to nowadays?

I wanna keep this brief so here’s just a quick compilation of how I’ve been doing since we all decided to leave this blog:

  • I moved to Hawai’i in 2013 to attend University of Hawai’i at Manoa. I changed majors a lot–from Hawaiian Studies, to art, to Second Language Studies, but I ultimately chose film.
  • Surprisingly enough, I decided to take a break from dancing starting from spring of 2014. I had a huge internal battle with myself, having no idea if I should continue dancing both hula and Tahitian. Ultimately I chose Tahitian due to the emotional stress I had from hula (it’s extremely strict in Hawai’i). However, I didn’t do well in competition, so I thought I should take a break.
  • I studied abroad in Korea in summer of 2015 (picked up an interest for K-pop in 2014). Learned the language, made international friends and everything haha.
  • Graduated with a BA in film in fall 2016, which was also one of the best semesters of my whole college life.
  • Moved back home immediately after graduation. However, my family relationship still has never changed since high school and it took an emotional toll on me as an adult.
  • Decided to move back to Hawai’i on my own in summer of 2017. Biggest decision of my life, but it was the best decision I have ever made. It was a little scary at first, but it turned out amazing.
  • Moved to Korea in fall of 2017 to become an English teacher. It was a job I’ve been wanting for years, and I made it.
  • As of now, I still currently reside in Korea and I think I will be for a while. I’ll probably spend a year in Japan after I’m done here, but I ultimately wanna settle in Hawai’i. This is all for the future though.

So … what’s new with you guys? Haha.


EDIT: Here’s a few photos of me if you guys wanted to see how I look like now. I know we shared pictures of ourselves in the past, but I feel as if we never really got a good look at what we really looked like haha.

Eu realmente não sei o que fazer.

Não sei se há algo para fazer.

A falta de amarras, me amarra mais que pião prestes a ser lançado.

E parece que mesmo assim… estou mais inerte.


Eu não sinto retenção,

Eu não sinto mudança,

eu não sinto eu mesmo.



Cade, cade, cade.

Quero sentir isso tudo.

Sem nome. (e talvez Pedro)

Tenho uma chama,

Uma faisca que se incendiou

a partir de uma tempestade.

Chama que queima,

chama que esquenta

Chama que flamúla,

chama que estimula.

Chama que chama.

Nunca tinha entendido a sua voz,

em meio aos muitos berros

dos dois eus.

Essa chama é vontade

vontade desesperada

inquieta e insaciável

de realizar,

e de ser.

Concentro essa chama porquê lembrei da dor de perder.

Concentro essa chama pela vontade de manter,

Eu e você, atados.

Queima, queima e queima.

Minha vontade,

meu ser,

Cozinhe o que eu pretendo ter.

Cozinhe esse recipiente.

E exploda. Incinere,

Queime, Imole.

Você é sinal não só de raiva,

ou de agressividade espontânea.

Você é sinal de um eu que perdi, deixei de lado.

Por medo de causar dor, da dor que causei em mim mesmo.

Portanto me queime.

Me queime, e faça mais uma vez

Eu reconstruir esse castelo de cartas

do eu. Do nós.


Por que as coisas caminham em velocidades diferentes?

Estou em overdrive com essa sensação imolante,

Em frenesi de tanto pensar,

Eu entrei numa pequena espiral de crescimento inesperado,

De descontento desavisado,

De encontro do eu.

Fragmentos, lancados

caminho prum lugar que precisa..


Mas esse caminho da volta traz uma vontade que venço aos poucos, e soma aos seus montes.

Reconhecer os que estão a minha volta. Essa é a trilha de pão.

Unkz( as Pedro )

Uma citara, calor no ventre e dúvidas.

It’s been a while since I last wrote anything.

Tonight I come to you as a resort to my neverending anxiety.

I feel like something major will come to pass next week, and my god. It literally is making me restless right now.

So here I am.. reviewing my past selves to try and contain all this excitement.

While at the same time dealing with my feelings for this girl, who’s quite lovely but tricky at the same time.

I just can’t help but feel… restless.

I’m clueless as to what comes ahead, what I’m about to face and whether I’ll be able to face it or not.

Well, that’s life. I just can’t help but feel speechless at a moment like this.

Concentrate all heat within my chest,

And convert it to willpower.


and loads and loads

of willpower.

“Ces ne sont pas me gestes que j’ecris, c’est moi, c’est mon essence.”


Fragmentos de tempo se misturam com fragmentos do meu ser.

As pós – imagens ficam borradas em contato com um relógio errático,

Ora ditado por um coração palpitante,

ora incomodado por um ego berrante,

E ticam.

Ticam. Ticam.


Que nem ponta de vacina,

ja deixou o corpo mas não sem fechar aquele cú com seu resquício de pontada.

E ao fim, se desmembra mais,

numa tentativa fútil o corpo tenta juntar.

Mas não consegue,

Pois o que o tempo separa,

so com o tempo se une.

Corpos, fragmentos,

olhares, toques e sensações.

So se convergem num aliar do tempo,

Tempo fragmentado,

Tempo aliado,

Tempo desvairado.



Minha agonia é de saber.

Eu “sei” demais,

sei tanto que me ilude diante do pouco que sei.

Eu sei o que as pessoas a minha volta pensam,

eu sei o que as pessoas a minha volta veem,

e eu sei o que elas fazem.

Então me fecho num mundo que nega, nega e renega tudo isso.

Como se fosse… uma piscina de sal, muito leve. Muito oxigenada.

Ela não me deixa nada até o topo,

então afundo, afundo afundo afundo

e afundo.

Eu nesse momento reflito sobre tudo.

Tudo o que possa ter feito eu afogar parte de eu mesmo

que possa ter ignorado partes dos outros em mim.

E lembro de promessas.

Lembro das memorias,

e lembro dos sentimentos.

Estou a margem de mim mesmo, e não respondo.

Estou a margem de minha existência, e não me reconheço.

Estou a margem do meu contexto, e não me veêm.

Estou a margem de ser, e não sou.

Eu quero ser.

Eu quero ser.

Eu quero ser.

E eu quero saber.

Saber pelo não saber,

não saber das manhãs preguiçosas das pessoas vespertinas

das noites fervorosas de jovens libidinosos

das imbecilidades de um egoista

das generosidades de uma pessoa sensível

da vocalidade de um falador…

Eu quero.

Eu quero.

Eu quero.


Eu quero mais eu nas pessoas, ASSIM COMO QUEREMOS

e eu quero mais gente em mim. ASSIM COMO FAZEMOS


em mim. Assim, você.


Eu sou muito mais duro do que figurava.

Agora vejo o quão straightforward posso ser. É meio estranho, fico com a impressão que sou bem exagerado.

Em tudo.

Sentimento, calor, em intenção.

Será que sou assim mesmo em relação a outros? Não sei.

Mas straightforward… Agora vejo.

Saber ou não saber,

isso não é algo a ser reinvindicável por alguem como nós.

Corpo coletivo. corpo de muitos.

Saber é algo que opera numa esfera de que se julga,

e se é julgado.

Nesse espaço, esse invervalo

de realidade como juiza

esse apito… não podia ser mais rarefeito quanto névoa.

Não sei. não conheço,

ainda estou para ver quem conhece saber.

Pouco se sabe até do umbigo que habitamos.

Mas conhecer…

essa pegada, depois de uma troca de olhares.

Isso é algo alcançavel…

Porém não sei se atingível com todos.

Pelo menos não eu com você, parece.


A crossway in lines. Linhas que cruzam.

I’ve always been like this.

This… indulging person who wishes to just be happy.

This someone who just gets lost in his wishes,

and then in hindsight watch he’s been missing it all along.

Just because he couldn’t get off his own damn mind.

This feeling, this warmth…

this is me.

Eu lembro disso, muito bem.

Das risadas com vocês,

dos momentos bons em que estive me sentindo livre

em que estive me sentindo completo.

Eu tenho a chance de ter isso de novo,

e de novo, e de novo.

Isso na época era Unkz, mas na verdade sou eu.

Sou todo eu.

Eu, Pedro sou assim. Um moleque que pensa demais, e nisso perde a ação.

E ai quando sinto esse calor, esse sorriso… Isso me toma conta.

E lá aparece toda a straightforwardness que tenho disponível.

Toda a… chama que considerava como Unkz.

Unkz existe, mas agora é memoria.

Eu sou Pedro e Unkz.

Somos Pedro

Somos eu.

This warmth…

reminds me of you.

And I when we were back together.

Remember, I’ll always love you all.

Even you Bonnie.

