Dobrei a vida em flor, e fiz dela mil amores. Você é um deles.

Lay off of your dusty ideals, and grab that shiny skim. That forbidden apple.

A never-ending metamorphosis is on the way and as always, it only relies on how much you desire change. How much you desire to walk away from routine, and how audacious you can get.

“Nós estamos no promontório extremo dos séculos!… Por que haveríamos de olhar para trás, se queremos arrombar as misteriosas portas do Impossível? O Tempo e o Espaço morreram ontem. Nós já estamos vivendo no absoluto, pois já criamos a eterna velocidade onipresente.” – Futurist Manifesto

Aqui, declaro então a minha saída do atual F.F. por não mais combinar com os ideais que uma vez contemplei. Porém, continuo a postar e ficar por aqui. O blog é o memorial de nossas lembranças de infância, our little selves. E pretendo continuar postando, para que algum dia eu possa olhar aqui e ver como mudei tanto ao longo dos anos, como já venho fazendo. E eu espero que vocês continuem comigo.

Estou na sarjeta do grupo, mas nunca deixarei de ama-los.

Até uma proxima aventura,


hi there



we really did do a full switch to skype.

for like, the past month (something like that)?? ree, dwight, and I  have been on skype every single day…

and omg your luck, hory god. IT’S DEFINITELY NOT SKYPE I’LL TELL YOU THAT. if you ever actually download skype for us (and it’s worth it, I’m serious, we log in every single day ):


I can stay logged into MSN for today so ask me later for IGNs maybe… iono when you’re on we’resosorry.toobusyonskype.

…….last night we hopped onto eden eternal too.

I got cut off last night so iunno where the niggas are at right now though. 8D



Wutcha turds doing lately? FINALS ARE OVER FUCKERS WOOHOO! So here’s the deal.

I need a little help on thinking of a scenery to take a kickass christmas picture, and it will involve My Little Pony.

Mistletoe and Ponies, HOW CAN IT EVER GO WRONG!??!?!




this is to be the 666th published post for us F.F.

that was nice, man.

last post was published just now, and it gladly congratulates and updates you on the post count.




College is so fffing difficult @_@

I REALLY can’t decide my major.

I’m starting to lean towards Film and Animation now LOL.

It sounds hella fun to make indie films, and be in them. It would be fucking amazing to make a film, and/or even star in it, and present it in a Film Festival (which thankfully Hawai’i has @___@)

But, can I get a job making films strictly in Hawai’i? .___.

What other jobs can I get with a Film Degree? @__@ (Btw, in UHManoa, a film or animation degree would be called a Creative Media major.)

I mean, I know for sure a teaching job doesn’t really require you to have a degree in that specific subject, because my current math teacher was a ZOOLOGY major, and (I mentioned this before LOL) there’s a PE teacher in my high school that was an ENGLISH major.

Then I started thinking about the other subjects I like, but didn’t take into consideration for majoring.

Like, zoology.

I LOVE learning about animals. I still have those ZooBooks from when I was a kid, and I remembered I could never take my eyes off of them when I was a kid.

If I knew about zoologist jobs in Hawai’i, I probably would major in it. More than likely, it’ll be like 3rd to last on my list.

On my last resort list, this one’s at the top.

Thing is, it might get in the way when go for that Dance Ethnology degree in graduate school, since that needs Anthropology classes. At least Ethnic Studies can be relevant to Anthropology.

Speaking of Anthropology, I looked into the major requirements and courses for it, too.

I mean, I like Anthropology, but not LOVE it, and only specific parts of it. Like cultural Anthropology.

I don’t wanna learn about archaeology, physical anthropology, linguistic anthropology, etc. They don’t interest me @_@

Then I started looking into the music section just for the hell of it and found out they have a major for Hawaiian Music LOL.

Then I looked at the course list, and shit. It sounds hella sick LOL.

It involves Hula Kahiko, chants, and Tahitian ensembles as part of their courses LOL.

But since it’s a music major, it also requires music theory, music history, and recitals. Out of the fucking picture, brehbreh LOL.

If I had this much of a passion for music, I would be set for this LOL.

Then I started looking into Psychology, cause I always thought it sounded cool.

I mean, the subject IS pretty cool, it’s just it doesn’t interest me as much as other things. Zoology interests me more ;/

After that, I looked more into the dance major.

I was hoping I could major in dance and avoid taking Ballet and Modern dance technique classes, but I can’t @_@

But dance majors can format their electives to have a certain concentration, and it can be ethnology. But I still can’t avoid the technique classes LOL.

I mean, shit ;__; Can’t I major in dance with a focus on Tahitian and Hula? ;___; Or even Hip Hop? ;_;

I seriously would be dead set on majoring in dance if it said something like “[insert number here] of credits in any of the available technique courses, from Tahitian, Hula, Hip Hop, Ballet, or Modern.”

motherfuck. MOTHER-OF-FUCK. HAWAI’I, WHYYY? ;__;

Then there’s that “design-your-own-major”-Interdisciplinary-studies major thing in my last post you guys probably missed LOL.

That’s a possibility LOL.

Then I found a fashion degree, but I never noticed it cause it’s called “Apparel Design and Merchandising.”

Meh. Fashion’s aiight, not something I’d wanna career in. Plus, the fashion world’s really snobby LOL.

And if I would major in Fashion, I probably wouldn’t go to school for it in Hawai’i. I’d go to FIDM if I WERE to major in it, which is highly unlikely LOLOL.

Ugh. This is difficult LOL.

I think I just added zoology to my possible major list now. Which makes my decision harder ;___;

Interdisciplinary Studies Major …?

While I was looking through UH Manoa’s site to see what other majors they offered, I found Interdisciplinary Studies.

I just thought Interdisciplinary Studies were just courses about random shit, and I didn’t know they offered a major in it >.>

So the site says that if you choose to major in interdisciplinary studies, you talk with a counselor and “formulate your own major.”

So, I’m thinking it’s like a “design-your-own-major” thing?

It says that you talk with a special advisor, and you choose a focus, then put together classes from the catalog to create an equivalent of a major.

Then you submit a proposal letter to a staff member, and if it’s approved, you just designed your own major.

If it’s what I’m thinking, then I could “design” a Dance Ethnology major. Or something else along the lines of the shit I wanna do LOL.

I would probably do this, it’s just that I’m worried that my degree will appear as an “Interdisciplinary Studies” Degree, and that sounds horrible @__@

It sounds like I majored in nothing, and just chose that cause I didn’t know what shit to do.

If my degree will appear as a Dance Ethnology degree if I do this, and no one will know that I did a fucking Interdisciplinary Studies major shit, then I’m fucking set.

I need some comments about this. Guys? ;_;

And if anybody else happens to read this, do you know anybody who’s done this before? .__. Sounds so confusing. Will the degree appear as an Interdisciplinary Studies degree? Or will it be the title you chose your concentration on? D:

god. I always seem to get random comments from random people on my pointless shit, but never for the shit I need help with LOL.



This is so fucking difficult.

There are literally like no jobs available for someone with an Ethnic Studies degree.

I even heard about some guy majoring in Latin American studies, and his classes connected with Anthropology, PoliSci, History, and Language, but his degree doesn’t specifically say that, and he has a really hard time getting a job.

I don’t wanna go through that LOL.

I might stay away from Ethnic Studies. jewkla;jdsklfjasdfklj.

Then there’s Pacific Island studies with the same problem.

Then there’s Hawaiian Studies (which I won’t major in unless I somehow find out I’m like some part Hawaiian LMFAO) which more than likely has the most career outcomes in Hawai’i than any of my other major choices. A BA in Hawaiian Studies might not sound like much, but trust me, in Hawai’i, the careers are enormous.

In the mainland, a major in Hawaiian Studies may be a little more useless, but in Hawai’i, it can be really useful.

Fuck. @_@

Then Film and Animation come in, and I can’t stay in Hawai’i with those jobs.


My sister’s friend Manny explained that there was a P.E teacher in my school (NOTE IT FUCKING SAYS P.E. PHYSICAL. EDUCATION.) and he was a major in English. ENGLISH.

So I’m thinking whatever the fuck I major in, I can be whatever teacher >.> But idk adult-job-world, so I’m not taking that risk. That’s WAY too big of a risk LOL.


The only “good” degrees out there in the whole fucking college world that are worth it are fucking Engineering, Medical, Business, and Law degrees. Fuck all that shit. FUCK IT.

I feel like my only hope is dance. Or to suddenly become fucking Hawaiian LMFAO.


With dance, I can become a dance teacher, but since I’m a late bloomer, it’s hard for me to get enough experience to teach. Plus, I probably won’t even get paid all that much unless I fucking co-own the studio or someshit.

Ugh. aldfj;aeklfjadsl;fj.

Ethnic Studies major, high school/middle school art teacher, and dance teacher on the side? @____@

Is that my plan? @_______@ Ohmygod. why.

Or maybe I can serve fucking tables until I find a good enough job. lsdkfja;lewjfa;dskljg.

This is all types of bad. I’m like desperate for help. I needa talk to my academic counselor LOL.

Or if ANYBODY comes along this post, comment. And help. Please @____________@

ATTN: Regarding Mint

Tonight, I pinpointed her location two months ago and I’m currently attempting to contact her. Keep looking for new e-mails.

Edit: People may say stalking is not right. People may say move on, and give up. But I’ve set my mind on my future. I’m not doing this for anyone else, I’m doing this for myself. I promised myself I’d meet up with every single one of you, and I will. No matter how many years it’ll take for me to build up the money and time to do so, but this is my objective. And I’m not going to ignore it. So go ahead, judge me. Go ahead, say I have no friends and that I have nothing else to do. I had my new start today, and I’m really enjoying it. I’m going to deeply experience the lifestyle I was aiming for, and I will undergo through severe change, whether I like it or not. “The person you are, changes according to the place you’re in”.
TL;DR I’ve changed, I have a life, and if you don’t get that, then maybe you need a new start. Meeting you is one of my objectives. I won’t leave it.

they are blue. why

My laundry is nice and fresh and all warm from the dryer right now.

Oh wait, what’s this?



and my thinner socks…

and my undergarments…

and a pair of pants.


this never happens, man.

It was basically all these things I keep together by default in the wash.



this is annoying me man.

my white crap, dyed a light blue. :(

angry letters and thank you notes



not to anyone here.


these are to people I can’t talk to right now/I RATHER NOT SAY THESE OUT LOUD QUITE YET AND THEY WON’T SEE THIS SO… 8D ::

  • TM; noob, get over her. (ACTUALLY, I’ve said this PLENTY of times but okay. :v)
  • TS; oh my god, every time you ask me about what you should do on anything, you reject all the things I say. ALMOST EVERY TIME.
  • AC; i hope you get a million paper cuts being more absorbed in your books than helping us out.
  • AC;… you don’t even talk to us, LOL
  • IP; you’re too nice, good god.
  • IP; that or you’re trying to get stuff again. stop that.
  • JK; you’re lucky your sister would kill me if i killed you… no for real.
  • ZD; LOL.
  • ZD; you complain way too much, GOOD GRIEF, WORSE THAN A BR. /coughcough
  • JL; i’m going to beat you up the next time you terrorize my hair ties. yes.
  • JK; i still ike your knitting. hope your daughter is okay.
  • JK; btw i heard the traffic there was terrible. HOPE YOU DIDN’T CRASH OUT THERE…
  • HJ; you lost a ton of weight… and you didn’t have much to begin with, what the hell girlfran!?!?
  • MC; your girlfriend is too good for you. HAHAHHAA.
  • RX; your initials make me laugh every time.
  • RX; oh yeah get the effing hell out of narnia you trolling hoar.
  • MY; where the hell are you?
  • DR; thanks again for helping me that one day, i haven’t seen you around that site and never got to ty that day, orz
  • IM; …please stop trying to be my best friend, it’s not working. :v
  • TK; stop complaining and do it already. jesuscrackerfishes.
  • CM; your mustache does not work for your face. i’m serious.
  • NP; GTFO OF MY MIND. ;_;


  • …BL; gfd this list is too long for your own good